Body wrapping is beneficial for shrinking the adipose fat tissue beneath the surface of the skin, which is known as cellulite, and eliminating toxins from the body. New Jersey body wraps quickly smooth, soften, and tighten the skin with instant results after one body wrap. We offer inch loss body wrap and detoxifying body wrap services to clients in New Jersey.
Benefits of Detox Body Wraps
A detoxifying body wrap offers several benefits for removing toxins from the body and losing inches quickly. New Jersey body wraps safely and effectively removes toxins, firm and condition the skin, rejuvenate, and smooth the skin. Our inch loss body wrap is designed to detoxify and take off inches. When combined with a healthy diet, regular exercise and colonic hydrotherapy, you can maximize your weight loss results.
Preparing for a NJ Inch Loss Body Wrap
If this is your first detoxifying body wrap, there are some things you can do to prepare for your visit. Expect to spend about an hour and a half for your visit. Don’t use lotions or oils on your skin and wear undergarments, such as boxers for men and bras and panties for women. Avoid eating a large meal and drink water, but remember you won’t have access to the bathroom during the wrap.
Detoxifying Body Wrap and Dead Sea Wrap
The detoxifying body wrap is an herbal wrap with Aloe Vera for removing toxins, healing sunburn, and dry skin. Toxins are drawn from the body through the pores to create inch loss and reduce toxicity, while nourishing, soothing and healing with Aloe Vera. The Dead Sea wrap contains mineral rich ingredients from the Dead Sea to reduce bloating, stress and encourage healing.
Dry Skin Brushing before New Jersey Body Wraps
We offer the additional service of dry skin brushing prior to your detoxifying body wrap or NJ inch loss body wrap. Brushing the skin before the body wrap removes dead skin and opens the pores to help the body wrap cleans the pores, remove toxins, and stimulate better blood circulation. Check our website for additional information about any of our services and contact us today to schedule an appointment for New Jersey body wraps.