At C&A Wellness Center, we provide ear candle cleansing, along with many other detox and wellness services. Ear coning is an effective method that is used to cleanse the ears gently. Ear candles are more comfortable, safer, and more effective than forcing water into the ear canal, as happens with conventional ear cleaning using water.
Brief History of Ear Candling
The ancient art of ear candle cleansing was used in countries throughout the world, including China, Italy, Czech Republic, and Mexico. Today, the practice has been rediscovered and the popularity of ear candling continues to grow, as more people discover the many benefits. Ear candles can be found in nursing homes, alternative health centers, and our wellness center located in New Jersey.
What are some of the major indications for Ear Coning?
In addition to cleaning the ears, ear candle cleansing offers a range of benefits. Although ear candling is not intended to treat or cure medical conditions, clients have experienced improvements in a range of following symptoms.
- earwax buildup
- earaches
- swimmer’s ear or ear infections
- improve lymphatic circulation
- tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- hearing problems
- sinus aggravation
- symptoms of a cold or the flu
- vertigo or Meniere ’s syndrome
- stress and tension
The Ear Candle Cleansing Process
Ear candle cleansing removes excessive wax and gently cleanses the ears. You lie comfortably on your side and the ear candle is inserted gently into the ear canal and the opposite end of the candle is lit. The wax of the ear candle gently draws excessive ear wax and toxins from the ear canal. Once the first ear is cleansed, you turn over and have the second ear treated to eliminate toxins and excessive wax.
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